Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life Lately

So after I posted last week about the lack of March Madness going on around here, we sort of rectified that situation.  It was kind of on accident, but whatever, man.  I'll take it!

Jarrod and I never know how any given weeknight is going to turn out.  We could pick up kids from daycare and make it home in one piece only to have the wheels fall off as soon as we walk through the door.  Which looks like this:

Walk through the door.  Collin leaves a trail of crap from the door to his room.  I.e. Coat, shoes, papers from school, trash from the car, toys from the car, rocks/sticks/flowers/weeds from the yard outside or at school.  He heads to his room to shuck his clothes from the day and to put on "comfy clothes".  Inevitably, he reappears in some mis-matched t-shirt and pants/shorts.  There's also a good chance he chose these clothing items from a pile in his closet that has been set aside as too small or too big/saving for the next season to come.  (If I have it in me, I'll argue with him that he needs to change, but mostly I just sigh, roll my eyes and get over it.)

While Collin is doing his usual Tasmanian devil routine, the babies are either A. being perfect angels and napping in their car seats, allowing me to finish preparing dinner and serving it up or B. screaming their ever-loving heads off and demanding to be held/fed/changed.  If it's the latter, Jarrod and I go into survival mode.  One of us makes bottles and gets diapers ready or tends to dinner on the stove top/in the oven.  We yell at Collin for the fourth time to wash his hands with soap AND water since he's just returned from a germ factory and likely has dirt all over his hands from playing outside or markers/paint/Cheetos dust (who the heck knows!).  Not that we're particularly phobic of germs, but Collin will want to touch all over his babies. And don't you know, the one night I forget to make him wash his hands, he'll have something on them that will leave a trail all over the couch, his clothes, our clothes, etc.

Exhibit A - When Jarrod picked Collin up early from school to participate in pictures with our newborns, he had orange fingers from eating Cheetos for lunch that Friday.  I tried so hard in the photography studio to scrub any trace of these away from his fingers, but we still laugh because in this photo he has a neon orange thumb!

Continuing on, once dinner is finished and the screaming has died down (either from the babies or their mommy and daddy), typically I sit down at the table with Collin and we eat our meal.  If Jarrod is able to get away from pacifying a baby (or both - he's a master at balancing one on his legs and one in his arms), he eats with us.  Sometimes, we each eat at the table with a baby in our arms.  Just this week, I prayed I wouldn't drop baked ziti on Grady's head.

After dinner, we try to spend some time with Collin and the babies before bath time and bed time routines.  So last Friday, we just happened to get to watch my faves play a game.  I love Duke basketball.  Always and forever.  If I wasn't so brain dead these days, I'm sure Grady and Atalie would have onesies since I had Collin wearing this when he was 18 months old...
*cue the tears over how stinking cute he was*

So Friday night looked a little something like this:
G Man was totally into it.  That'a boy!

We've also been enjoying the nicer weather.  Which, of course, means that today is a dreary mess, but I'm optimistic sunshine will return soon.  Babies in cute, springy outfits and visits to the park for dinner so that people can double-take us!

It's so funny when people see Jarrod with a baby and me with a baby.  I just want to say, "Yes, we have twins."  Or if we use our double-stroller, it's like a beacon for all old people within 50 feet of us to come over and try to peak at the babies.  It's OK though, because they ARE super adorable :)

Grady didn't want to look at the camera, but he wanted to hold sis's hand.  Love.
Grady has had an ear infection and has been a total pill to be around.  Thankfully I took him to the doctor and got it figured out, because we're working on being our fun loving self again!
 And sister is really starting to be such a joy!  She's less serious than when she was a newborn, and she's really starting to "talk" and laugh a lot now.  I love this side of her!
Our little Beauty.

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