Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3 Months

The twins are now officially 3 months old, and Jarrod and I are feeling about 45.  It's not very glamorous around here, but that's okay because I'm sure it will pass.  In a year or two eighteen.

Things people don't tell you about having three children:
* The laundry is never ending.
* Someone is ALWAYS unhappy.
* You should kiss your husband goodbye when you enter the delivery room because that's probably going to be your last chance at any sort of alone time.
* Your priorities shift...  As in bathing takes a backseat to napping.  Psssh.  Napping.  What's that?  Also, cheese and crackers sounds like a perfectly acceptable meal!
* There will be a lot of crying at night.  From you.  And occasionally the husband.
* There is a reason you see so many minivans on the road.
* There is a lot of potty talk.  One kid's potty habits?  No problemo!  One kid who occasionally toots?  Funny and sort of cute sometimes.  Three kids' potty habits?  I need a separate calendar just to keep track of when everyone goes poo and pee.  And my word.  The farting around here is off the charts.  I can't wait until Collin and Grady are teenagers.  *sarcasm*

BONUS: When asked, "What's something no one tells you about having 3 kids?"  Jarrod's response was, "What to do with the third one!"  Seriously.

Things most likely to make us go broke:
* Daycare.
* Laundry detergent.
* Diapers.
* Headbands for the girl child.
* The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup budget.
* All those quarters I use to bribe Collin.  (Heaven help us when he figures out the value of money.)
* Have I mentioned headbands for the girl child?  (Etsy - you call to me in the night when I'm held hostage by a breast pump.)

Now the real reason you're here - pictures!

This little bond is growing each day.  Grady thinks Collin is the funniest person ever!
Collin loves to hold a baby but it usually only lasts for a minute or so.  Who can blame him when this chunk is getting SO heavy?!
These two are going to be something!

Those eyes!!

 She is getting more animated and really likes to "talk" now.

"Go buy me some more headbands, Mom!"

Grady and Atalie - 3 months old 

And as if we didn't already think we were going crazy around here, we had several bad weather days the last couple of weeks.  Collin just wanted to play in the snow and Mommy and Daddy just wanted the snow to go away!
This was our first 'bout of bad weather.  The neighbors sure kept us entertained though!  I think Collin stood for close to an hour at our bedroom window watching these guys go round and round.

Our second round left us with several inches of snow.  Check out how deep our feet are!

We had a huge snow drift outside this door!  Collin wanted to help "dig us out" of the house.
 He was SO proud and has watched for days as this guy slowly melted and fell to pieces!

 See Above: What to do with the third one!

 Snow Days call for desperate measures.  Working from home has its perks...pajamas and a baby in your lap.  As long as that baby stays content!

FaceTime with Aunt Kiki!

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