Things people don't tell you about having three children:
* The laundry is never ending.
* Someone is ALWAYS unhappy.
* You should kiss your husband goodbye when you enter the delivery room because that's probably going to be your last chance at any sort of alone time.
* Your priorities shift... As in bathing takes a backseat to napping. Psssh. Napping. What's that? Also, cheese and crackers sounds like a perfectly acceptable meal!
* There will be a lot of crying at night. From you. And occasionally the husband.
* There is a reason you see so many minivans on the road.
* There is a lot of potty talk. One kid's potty habits? No problemo! One kid who occasionally toots? Funny and sort of cute sometimes. Three kids' potty habits? I need a separate calendar just to keep track of when everyone goes poo and pee. And my word. The farting around here is off the charts. I can't wait until Collin and Grady are teenagers. *sarcasm*
BONUS: When asked, "What's something no one tells you about having 3 kids?" Jarrod's response was, "What to do with the third one!" Seriously.
Things most likely to make us go broke:
* Daycare.
* Laundry detergent.
* Diapers.
* Headbands for the girl child.
* The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup budget.
* All those quarters I use to bribe Collin. (Heaven help us when he figures out the value of money.)
* Have I mentioned headbands for the girl child? (Etsy - you call to me in the night when I'm held hostage by a breast pump.)
Now the real reason you're here - pictures!
This little bond is growing each day. Grady thinks Collin is the funniest person ever! |
He was SO proud and has watched for days as this guy slowly melted and fell to pieces!
See Above: What to do with the third one!
Snow Days call for desperate measures. Working from home has its perks...pajamas and a baby in your lap. As long as that baby stays content!
FaceTime with Aunt Kiki!
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