Monday, December 10, 2012

Tis the Season!

Every year I say I'm going to make Christmas cookies and Christmas candy and do cutesy Christmas crafts, and then it doesn't really happen.  I'm hopefull I will still make a few yummy things to eat before Christmas comes and goes.  But I already feel better about my Christmas To-Do list this year, because we crossed something off Saturday night!

We stopped at Starbucks, got a couple of Peppermint Mochas and took Collin over to Harding's campus to take in all the beautiful Christmas lights.  We meant to do it last year and somehow didn't, but we made it this year!

Collin loved it!  He ran around like a wild child and walked holding both of our hands, jumping randomly and telling us all about the "kick-kick lights". 

Daddy carrying Collin onto campus
I don't think either of them was ready for this picture!

Swinging with my sugar-plum!

And yes, Collin insisted on wearing that hat on his head.  Even though he's not wearing a jacket...  Boys! 

I can't get this photo to turn right side up, but if you turn your head, you might be able to get an inkling of how beautiful these lights were!

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