Monday, December 3, 2012


It's December!!  I can't believe it.  But I love it!

December means my birthday, and while I am really starting to dislike the getting older part, I do love me some presents :)

It also means Christmas parties, Christmas cards, Christmas cookies, Christmas decorations, and Christmas vacation!  This year my boss has chosen to be extremely gracious and allow us extra time off from work.  We still don't know what days Jarrod is going to get off yet, but just knowing that I won't have to worry about my office, and can focus on taking care of Collin for a week, is such a relief.  For a few days, while his daycare and my office are closed, I will get to experience being a stay-at-home mom.  I'm already trying to plan cute activities for us, so we'll see how that goes!

We received our first Christmas card last week.  I love this time of year and checking the mailbox daily!  However, I hate how stressed out choosing/creating a Christmas card can make me!  I definitely texted Jarrod while he was at work last week and sent him 7 different versions of our card so he could help me narrow it down.  Surprisingly, we agreed on one and I'm hoping to get them all out this week.  Please don't judge me when you receive it because the photo is from April!  Sadly, that was the last time we had a family photo taken.

Collin is obsessed with Christmas lights right now.  He rides in the car and exclaims, "Yaaaaayyy!  Kick-kick Lights!" every time he sees them.  Even if it's from one house to the next going down our street, he will yell out the same thing each time.  It's so precious! 

We took him for a wagon ride last night after dark to see all the lights in our neighborhood, and I was thinking how wonderful it would be to be that age again.  He was just chilling in his wagon, being pulled along by his daddy and having his mommy point out each house to him.  How blessed we are to give him memories like that.

Another thing Collin is obsessed with - cupcakes!  We went to Little Rock on Saturday to run a plethora of errands, but I made sure that between Ozark Outdoor Supply (for Daddy) and Babies R Us (for Mommy) we stopped at Cupcakes on Kavanaugh (for Collin!).  We ate our cupcakes and when it was time to leave, Collin ran to the display case and starting banging on the glass front, yelling "This cuhcake" and then he'd move down the display and yell, "This cuhcake".  He wanted ALL the CUPCAKES!  I have no idea what the poor girls working in there thought.

Look how happy he is to eat that icing!


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