Monday, August 6, 2012

Another year down.

Yesterday was Jarrod's birthday.  He's a lovely 29 years old.  I have been telling him for years that he's on the downhill slide to 30, but this time it's true!

He celebrated by going fishing before church with his new bosom buddy, Jon.  After church we were all lazy and took naps, and then we had dinner out last night.  It was pretty uneventful as far as birthdays go, but he had already purchased his gift from REI and told me not to worry about getting him anything.  Lucky for him, my Love Language is giving/receiving gifts!  I got him the most recent Underworld DVD, and I made him Rice Krispie treats.  Full Disclosure: I don't know what my problem is but I cannot make myself sit through the Underworld movies.  They are so unappealing to me and not in the least bit entertaining.  If they are on, I can't even stand to be in the same room pretending to be entertained!  It's weird.  They just don't do it for me.  But for my sweet husband who does so much to take care of us, I will sacrifice 88 minutes of togetherness so he can enjoy Kate Beckinsale doing her thing.

Collin giving Daddy a birthday kiss

Two peas in a pod

Ok, confession regarding the candles on the Rice Krispie treats, they were really an opportunity for Collin to practice blowing out candles since his birthday is next month.  And it's a good thing we did so.  The poor kid thinks blowing out candles is like blowing bubbles...meaning he wants to put his mouth on the item and then blow! 

So Happy Birthday (a day after the fact) to my husband, Jarrod.  Thank you for everything you do and for putting up with my insane antics and Collin Henry's hissy-fits (that he may or may not have inherited from me).  We love you and we are so glad you are ours! 

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