Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Admitting You Have a Problem...

My name is Nicki, and I have a problem.  I am addicted to bargain shopping.  I can't help it.  Places like Marshall's, Tuesday Morning, T.J. Maxx and Home Goods just call my name!  So when it comes to my child, who will wear clothing for 6 months at a time now and grow out of it, I cannot resist a good deal. 

Enter the Rhea Lana's Fall consignment sale...

This is the parking lot when I left, meaning it was even more full when I arrived.  That tiny building at the end of the cars, with the pink banner, is the building with the sale taking place.  And also the site of grown women using their strollers to knock other grown women aside.  Elbows are used freely and husbands see a side of their wives they can never un-see.

This is the line after I had been standing in it for 10-15 minutes.  There were even workers handing out bottles of water.  I chugged a cold bottle of water like I had just completed a marathon, while standing in this line.  I may or may not have told my husband this was "my Olympics".

But it's all worth it to get Baby Gap, Gymboree, Nike, Polo and Children's Place brand clothing for $3, $4 and $5 a piece. 

Plus, I get to shop for my niece, Tinsley, and it's pretty much guilt-free!

I did lose my car keys somehow during the whole process, so I have to wonder what that means...  I got all the way back to my car and couldn't find them anywhere in my bag.  I NEVER lose anything.  I had to walk ALL.THE.WAY.BACK to the front door of the building, hauling my laundry basket full of freshly scored loot, and ask the nice security guard if anyone had turned in a set of car keys.  I had asked Jesus every step of the way to please let them be there and sure enough, some nice woman was able to think outside of her manic, bargain hunting brain long enough to pick up my keys from the ground and turn them in!

So there you have it...that's how I spent my Monday evening.  Tonight, Jarrod and I have Community Group where I will confess my addiction with a big fat smile :)


  1. Replies
    1. I ran into Mallory and we discussed how much we, and Searcy, miss you!!
