This is how most picture-taking goes around here now that the babies are mobile!
Meal time is starting to become a little more doable. Atalie has eaten the same thing as the rest of us the last 3 nights in a row, no baby food for her! She is a champion and can throw back some food! Grady has to warm up to the idea. He slammed some mac and cheese last night, so that was promising. I tried to sneak some pork chop in there, but he does this thing where he picks up everything, touches his tongue to it, makes a bitter-beer-face and throws it down. It reminds me of Robert from Everybody Loves Raymond and how he touches every bite to his chin before eating it! Oh, Grady... You are the cutest, little chunk. I love you so, but you make life HARD.
We had an appointment with an ENT last week to discuss the possibility of tubes and getting Grady's tongue tie snipped. She completely agreed that he needed both, so he is scheduled for surgery early next week.
Collin keeps asking, "When is Grady's c-section, again?" It's so funny that Jarrod and I have not even bothered to correct him.
Last week was Halloween, and as most of you know, our family doesn't celebrate Halloween. We don't choose to make a big deal out of that. We let Collin handout candy to the trick-or-treaters who came to our door, and he thought that was awesome. Daycare had "Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character" day on Friday, so we let the kids participate in that. Collin made up his mind immediately that he wanted to be the mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. I decided at the last minute to make Grady the milk and Atalie the cookie (all with the help of a nice lady on Etsy, of course...because this Mommy doesn't have time for crafting these days!), and they turned out super cute!!!
Grady wouldn't stop trying to touch Collin's face!
And since it's now November, I guess I should post some of the pictures from when we took the kids to the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago!
He is getting SO big!
The absolutely adore him, and the feeling is pretty mutual!
"Sit still and smile at the camera!"
I remember the first year we took Collin to this pumpkin patch, and he couldn't walk on his own yet. I thought, "Next year he will be walking all by his self", and this year I was having the same thoughts about the twins. Craziness.
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