Tuesday, April 21, 2015

No Rest for the Weary

Life is so strange these days.  I feel like I'm living somewhere between Gitmo and an Anne Geddes calendar.  Gitmo for the sleep deprivation and an Anne Geddes calendar for the adorable, chubby babies that abound.  It's rough.

I think we're starting to enter the teething phase.  Both babies have slightly swollen gums in areas and both babies are forever gnawing on something.  Atalie's new nickname is "Baby Tiger", because she growls at objects until she gets them into her mouth.  If she sees you with a bottle in your hand, she will try to take your fingers off with her mouth!  She is eating like it's her new job and puts Grady to shame consistently.  I warned her about becoming "The Fat Sister", but she just knocked me over and demanded to know where I keep the peanut butter cups.

They're also close to transitioning away from being swaddled.  Swaddling was a lifesaver with Collin and while I feel like it took these babies a little bit more time to get used to, it has been just as useful.  However, more often than not, I walk in to see them busted out of the swaddle and occasionally even laying on their side.

And yes, they have moved to their own room.  I forgot how having a baby meant you are constantly phasing in and out of something for the first year.  We got our nighttime routine down only to completely change it once we moved them to their room, but things seem to be going alright with that transition.  It's a treacherous stumble from one side of the house to the other for Jarrod and myself when they wake up in the middle of the night, but that's life.

The babes are 4 1/2 months old now and coincidentally, Collin is 4 1/2 years old.  Grady and Atalie LOVE Collin.  They think he's the funniest, neatest person.  Jarrod and I often yell in the midst of a baby meltdown, "Collin!!!!!  Come here!  Talk to the baby.  Puh-lease!!!"  (The "puh-lease" is us literally begging him because he's decided he's too busy, too tired, too bored to talk to them any longer.)

Atalie is thinking, "I hope I get eyelashes that great!"

Grady is mesmerized by his big brother.  He can't wait to be able to play with Collin and all of Collin's toys ;)
This morning, Collin was saying, "Grady you're sooooo warm and chunky."

Oh, Atalie.  For the record, this is her smiling!
The babies are also interacting with one another more these days.  They hold hands whenever they are laying side-by-side.  This inevitably turns into one of them (mostly Atalie) trying to eat the other one's hand/arm.  I don't care, I'll take it!  They smile at one another occasionally but usually not at the same time.  It usually looks like one of them trying to make googly eyes at the other and the other one being completely oblivious!

They were sharing Grady's arm right before I snapped this picture, but then Atalie got greedy and took it all for herself!
They're laughing at Collin here, but I just love how Atalie has a hold of Grady.
Sweet brother and sister
Something was funny!
One of those rare moments where they noticed each other at the same time
Both babies have found their hands/fingers and are constantly sucking on them.  Grady has also found his feet (his belly prevents him from sucking on those though!), so we're waiting for Atalie to find hers any day now.  And it should be noted, Grady rolled over for the first time this past weekend.  Poor Atalie has been working on it for weeks, but chubby butt just decided to make it happen.  I guess it helped him to have some extra "heft" to get from his back to his tummy!  Sadly, once he was over, he screamed and screamed and looked like a turtle on its back until I flipped him over again.  Oddly, Atalie seems to have slowed down on trying to roll over.  I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future!  "He did it, so now I don't want to!"

Hey babies, give me a smile!
Sorry, Mom.  We're eating our hands.

I'm doing my best to keep our little, bald girl in headbands.  A few Etsy shop owners have noticed her on Instagram and have re-posted her photos as advertisement for their shops.  So now I walk around telling Jarrod that Atalie is a famous headband model.

If I didn't already have TWO babies, this picture would make me want one!  Look at that nose.  Those little lips.  Those CHEEKS!
I've also been busy teaching these kids about this thing called a Selfie.  They seem to be pretty amused by it but haven't mastered the art of making the most flattering face!
Sometimes she is all smiles and giggles.  Sometimes she is all judgey eyes and frowns.
This kid can go either way; he's a total ham one minute & the next he's an angry Indian with many demands.

Now, that's a cute face!
As I was taking the above picture of Grady, Landry got right in my face and said, "Don't forget me!"

Here are some freebies - hope you're week is just swell!!
It's really rough being a big brother sometimes!

I walked by Collin's playroom one day and saw him like this...  Just chilling upside down while eating a "fig newkin", because that's normal!
Atalie with her Aunt Kiki at Easter.  These two are gal-pals for sure.

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