Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Thankful Tuesday hasn't happened for a while around here, so let's get to it.

Thankful for March Madness!  One day Jarrod is going to shell out the big bucks and take me to the Final Four.  Preferably one where I can sit by W...

Until then, I'll settle for watching the Championship game all by myself while Collin sleeps and Jarrod studies. That way no one can see me fist pump and whisper the words, "YES!" or "Hit THAT!"

This was an awesome dunk!
Thankful for sweet boys and time spent swinging in the backyard on Sunday mornings after church.
Also thankful for a husband who takes new hairstyles in stride...even if his version of doing so includes singing, "She BANG!"  Or that his new favorite comeback is now, "Shut it, Bangs."

Thankful for bunny pictures that make me giggle...

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