Monday, March 31, 2014

On ponytails and running

Collin insisted when he woke up from his nap yesterday that he needed a ponytail.  I's odd.  What was even more odd was his dad's eagerness to oblige him.  So I spent a good part of my afternoon looking at this: 
I don't even know what more to say.  Other than I think Landry was refusing to take part in this photo for a reason.  Embarrassment.

Now that that is out of the way, let me prove to you just how manly my men are!

Last weekend we participated in a 5k/1k run to benefit a local organization.  Jarrod did the 5k (his first ever), and Collin and I did the 1k fun run.  The race started at sundown, approximately 7:20pm, and it was a Glo Run!  Cutest idea ever.

Everyone was all decked out in neon colors and glow necklaces/bracelets/mohawks.  Yes.  Collin really wanted a glow-in-the-dark mohawk, but his dad refused to shell out for it.  After that ponytail picture it's all a wonder to me...  

Collin did such a great job during the race!  I was worried about several things. 
1. That I might end up carrying him for half a mile (aka, the whole dad-gum 1k)
2. That he would have a meltdown over the fact that Jarrod "ran off without us".
3. That it would downpour, I would end up carrying him for the whole dad-gum 1k and he would have a meltdown because Jarrod "ran off without us".

Alas, none of these things happened!  It only sprinkled for the first few minutes of the race, and I didn't have to carry anyone.  Collin ran the whole time, shouting to me, "Come ON, Mommy! COOOOOOOKIESSSSSSS!!!!"  (I was reading some info to Jarrod before the race, and I read that they would have bananas and cookies at the finish line.  Collin clearly remembered the cookie part!)

Sorry these are all blurry, but the kid was running!
At the end of the 1k, they had "medals" to hand out to the kids who finished.  They had some guy dressed up like Bumblebee from Transformers.  (Or if you're Collin, it's "buzzy-bee".)  Collin flat refused to go near the guy and was pretty hacked off about the whole situation.  Finally, Bumblebee's "helper lady" came over and put Collin's medal around his neck.   
Showing off his "medal", which was a cute little glow-in-the-dark dog tag.
At this point it was straight for the banana/cookie table, and then off to wait for Daddy to finish his race.

Jarrod had a clear time in mind for when he wanted to finish the race, and he beat it!  We were so proud of him.
Eating a banana right after finishing his first ever 5k!
Look at these MEN!  Cuties :)

 Awful group pic... Rain = weird, wavy bangs on me.  And crazy flash-eyes.  Gahhh, the flash!
But I had to include this because Collin totally photo-bombed us, and he thought it was the funniest thing.  Hot dog included.  Yes, the kid ate like a horse after running around a few blocks!

And lastly, Collin's school had someone come in and do Easter-themed photos with the kids last week.  I would normally not really go in for something like this because it has a huge potential to be cheesy, and let's face it, Jarrod doesn't think the picture budget is as big as I might think it is.  We normally only pay for his official "school picture" in the Fall.

Well, I let my crazy mind run away from me, and I reminded myself of the type of luck I tend to possess.  If I decided not to let Collin participate in these, they might very well be the most adorable things ever and then I would kick myself.  There wasn't much of a description.  I was just told that the photographer would be dressing the kids and providing a Spring backdrop and bunnies.  The sitting fee was very small and then you view the proofs to decide if you want to purchase any of them.  So I figured no harm...

That is until I was putting Collin to bed the night he had the pictures taken, and he started to describe to me what he was dressed in for the pictures.  I finished saying goodnight and immediately started trying to find the photographer on Facebook to see if I could find any examples of these bunny photos she is going around taking.

Y'all.  I laughed and laughed.  Jarrod is horrified.  He said I subjected our son to Easter Glamour Shots.  I have a theory though; it's Collin, surely we will think they are the cutest photos ever.  Right?

We will find out tomorrow when I go to view the proofs!  Whether or not I post them on here is TBD. 

Don't worry, Mom.  I'll get you one! ;)

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