Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Stars @ Night Are Big & Bright...

... Deep in the Heart of Texas

Jarrod and I love our homestate with such a passion that it is probably safe to say it has become an idol of sorts!  We've gotten a lot better and no longer diss our current state of AR.  However, I have to say it: When I was in Texas over Memorial Day weekend, I felt like I could breathe.  It's the most wonderful place ever, and I hope the Lord provides a way for us to return someday.

We left last Thursday after work and traveled what is normally 6 hours to Jarrod's parents, but because of an accident in Little Rock and a fussy toddler, it took us more like 7 1/2 hours.  We hauled everything up to our room, put Collin to bed and passed out a little before 1:00am.  We all got up the next morning and ran some errands, a.k.a. did some SHOPPING!!  Then around 3:30pm we picked Jarrod's mom up from her school, and we headed to Brownwood to family land, known as Turkey Peak. 

Jarrod has wonderful childhood memories of Turkey Peak.  It's special for me because of the time we spent there while dating in college and during the early years of our marriage when we would hop in the car and travel a few hours to there from our home in Austin.  There is an actual lake on the property and some really great central Texas scenery.
I sat on the porch for a little while & read while Jarrod took Collin for a walk across the dam.  This is what I saw on their way back :)

This was Collin's second experience fishing, and he was adorable!  He enjoyed reeling the fish in, but he did not want them to be anywhere near him once out of the water. 

I saw entirely too many lizards and other creepy, crawly things for my liking, but I can get over it.  Jarrod told me that for a country girl I am all "city".  My response was that I love the country, just not the creepy, crawly things!

I picked this lovely wildflower bouquet.  I would take one of these over a store-bought bouquet any day!

And of course, the whole reason we went to Turkey Peak, we spent time with Jarrod's grandpa.  Collin gave Grandpa "five" on the hand and he would give him goodnight hugs, but we couldn't get him to sit on Grandpa's lap except for the last few minutes of our visit during this picture -

Jarrod in his "natural" habitat

The Baum men

He's obsessed with playing with rocks lately

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