Monday, May 13, 2013

Confession Time

Yes, I have a confession.  I have an English degree and yet, somehow, I have never read The Great Gatsby.  Somehow, it was never required reading for me.  And somehow, when given the choice, I managed to push it aside for other titles.  So here I am in my late 20's and reading The Great Gatsby.  I already know what happens at the end, but I decided that no self-respecting English major can pretend to be super stoked about the movie premiering and still have not read the book.

In other news, we dedicated baby Collin last weekend.  He now officially belongs to the Lord even more so than before ;) 

That precious boy told me he had to go potty right before we were called up on stage.  I told him to hold it.  I'm sure that was the first of many times to come!

My in-laws came for the dedication.  We spent Saturday in Little Rock shopping and had yummy cupcakes for dessert that night.  Collin loves when his Nonne and Papa come to visit.  In fact, he woke up every day last week asking for them and each day I had to remind him that they were back home in Texas.

Also, Landry got a haircut and a new necklace.  She is one posh pup.  Yes, I just said that.

This weekend was, of course, Mother's Day weekend, and what a glorious time we had around here.  We were lazy, and we played outside - A. Lot.  My boy likes to catch bugs, and by catch, I mean he smacks them with his hand and then holds his hand up with a dead bug attached to it and says, "Yook!  I got it!!"

My Mother's Day present!
Getting kisses from this little boy!

Collin also discovered the magic of a Bubble Mower this weekend.  My mom gave it to him last year, but by the time he received it the weather never really cooperated, so I've kept it put up until now.  I'm kind of glad too, because Collin is all about "mowing the yard" right now.  It's all he wants to do.  He is so serious, and I think he really believes he's mowing the yard!  I hope he has the same attitude 10 years from now.

I cannot even stand how cute this kid is!!

He's really starting to enjoy playing outside now, and I feel comfortable letting him go out by his self for brief periods.  In the evenings, while I'm cooking dinner, he'll play in the patio or in the yard with Landry and I can see him from the kitchen window telling her what to do.  Saturday he helped me let Landry out to potty, but when I came back inside he decided he needed to stand in the doorway and make sure she did her business.  I could hear him yelling, "Doo-Doo, GO POOP!  Go potty!!!!  Doo-Dooooooooo!!!  GO POOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!  Now!" 

All I could think was, I'm not even embarrassed that my neighbors are probably all hearing this because it is hysterical!

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