Collin loved seeing all the farm animals at the pumpkin patch last weekend, but the one he will not stop talking about is the TURKEY. On our way home, Jarrod was talking to his parents on the phone, and Collin was yelling from the backseat, "Nonne, MY TURTEE!" When we got home, Jarrod dug out his hunting stuff and showed Collin how to call a turkey. We also had to watch YouTube videos of turkeys. And of course, I couldn't resist myself, so now this little guy is in the mail on his way to our house :)
Also, we decided to get brave last weekend and take away Collin's pacifier (paci). I have always said I don't want to be that parent whose 4 year old is walking through the mall sucking on a paci. And then I had a kid. My niece has been paci-free since she turned one. She will even take a paci out of her doll's mouth and tell the doll, "No!" I could have really used her to help me wean Collin!!
When Collin turned one, his daycare stopped giving him a paci while he was there, but we couldn't deny him once back home and going to bed. The rule has been that he can only have it when he's sleeping at home. And the occasional road trip when he's struggling to get comfortable in his seat. He calls it a "bite" now, and we've noticed that he really isn't using it to suck/soothe his self but more so to bite and roll it around in his mouth. (Jarrod says, "He's just making out with it!")
When Collin turned two a few weeks ago, I told my mom that I would take it away. A month later and Jarrod finally took the bull by the horns!
We have several pacis, but Collin's favorite has been the most obscene thing you've ever seen. It was given to us as a gift, and he has had it since being an infant.
The other night, before bedtime, Jarrod cut the nipple off. I have read that if you cut a bit off the nipple, your child won't find it soothing to suck on anymore. They will slowly decide they don't want it and presto, they're weaned! Well, Jables and I didn't communicate much before he took the scissors to the paci and this is what we ended up with -
There's no way you can get your mouth around that much of the nipple left. Poor Collin! After getting dressed for bed, he grabbed his paci up and popped it in his mouth and it fell right out! He looked at it and then held it up to us and said, "My biiiite!" We both acted surprised and told him it was broken. "Oh, no!" (I know, we're awful!) However, he has been sleeping paci-free for the past several nights. It's like he doesn't even remember that he has others to fall back on. We just remind him each night when he asks for his "bite" that it's broken.
And lastly, Collin can almost-almost count to 10! I know! It's amazing.
He loves to jump and he always wants to say, "1...2...3!" before jumping. However, it mostly comes out, "Twooo...twooooo..." while he's bobbing up and down about to launch from wherever he stands. Last week, I noticed while we were driving home from somewhere that he was in the back saying to his self, "Two...eight...nine..." I asked him if he was counting and he said, "Uh-huh", so I started counting to 10 and he repeated after me each time. On some numbers he knows what is coming next, so he'll skip ahead. For instance, when I say "seven" he won't repeat me, he'll say "eight!". I have to stop him and get him to go back and repeat me.
Well, for the rest of the night I kept going on and on about how smart Collin was and how he could almost count to 10. Bubble burster that he is, Jarrod spoke up and said, "I think he has a while before he's there." As a parent, it's easy to spend a lot of time worrying about whether your child is developing normally, whether your child is smart, whether your child picks things up in a timely manner, so it's nice to have validation sometimes that he "gets it"!
Jarrod and I compromised, and now I'm saying Collin can almost-almost count to 10 :)
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