Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello, my name is...

Captain Nostalgia.

Nostalgia is such a tricky thing.  You start out thinking you are just paying tribute to sweet times and places and before you know it, you are sucked into memories and listening to Texas country music while looking at newborn pictures of your son.

It started last week when Collin was weaned from his paci.  I noticed immediately that he's sleeping better.  He falls asleep faster and seems to sleep more restfully.  He used to lay in his crib for 30 minutes to an hour talking, rolling around and playing with his puppy dog (that he has to sleep with).  Now, I lay him down and he is almost immediately asleep, and when I sneak back in sometimes to stare at him before I go to bed, he's usually still in the same position.

Without the paci, I rock him at bedtime and he closes his eyes quickly and is almost asleep in minutes.  When I hold him and he has his little eyes closed, I swear he looks just like his infant-self.  When I see him looking like that, I cannot believe how much he has grown! 

And then my mind starts thinking to how I cannot believe how far Jarrod and I have come in the last two years of Collin's life...

From the time I got pregnant to now, we have lived in 3 different places.  We went from seeing our family on a semi-regular basis to not very often at all.  We went from one group of friends to starting all over again.  And now it's sinking in that I've transitioned from having a baby to having a little boy.

So it started with the paci and compounded when my husband came home Friday singing a song about Texas he learned secondhand from a coworker.

It's a dangerous mix to listen to this song while searching for baby pictures of Collin.  Especially when Josh Abbott gets to the part about "an Abilene sunset".  Oh man.

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