Friday, September 7, 2012


Tomorrow my sweet, hilarious niece, Tinsley Addison Gann, turns 2! 

Two years ago, my youngest brother texted me in the middle of the night that Tinsley was on her way.  I was also 9 months pregnant at the time and super jealous that Tins beat Collin Henry into the world.  I sat up on the couch for the rest of the night texting Austin for updates, and the next day, at work, I kept calling my parents to find out if she was here yet. 

It's crazy how we can't imagine what a child is going to look like, and then when they're born we think, "Oh!  So there you are!" and it's just how they should look.  Tinsley is a perfect mix of her mama and daddy.  Some days I can see more of one or the other in her, but she is a definite mix.  She is going to have a dark complexion like her daddy, and she is going to be so beautiful when she gets older.

When we were little, (my other brother) Daniel, and I would tell Austin he was adopted.  We would say Mom and Dad got him from Mexico.  The best part is that he is so much darker than us, he would believe it!  We also used to make fun of him because he was really short and had a big, round belly.  Tinsley isn't really short, but she does have a cute belly that sticks out of all her shirts!  And who knows, maybe one day Collin will try to tell her she's from Mexico!

Austin, the Mexican, on the left.  Daniel on the right. 09/01/07

Baby Collin and Baby Tinsley

Austin was also the rebellious one.  He would run away and hide when it was time for him to get spanked.  He would crawl out of the upstairs windows, slide down the roof of the room below and run out onto our land, or to the neighbor's land next door.  He would spend hours playing in the dirt, killing birds and being a boy.  He would always do things that terrified me, and I would think, "You CAN'T do that!  You're going to get in TROUBLE."  But the thing about Austin is that he's never been afraid of trouble

So if Tinsley is as much like her daddy as we all think, we are in for some entertainment!
Tins is glad I'm not going to be with her tomorrow, because I would squeeze her and kiss her all over every hour, on the hour.  I can't wait to see how she and Collin interact as they get older, and I can't wait to see someone else give Austin as much grief as he gave our family :)

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