Monday, September 10, 2012

How much is too much?

So for anyone who doesn't recall, it's Collin's birthday this coming Sunday!  I love holidays, I love reasons to celebrate and a whole day, ok maybe a whole weekend...ok, maybe a whole week, to celebrate my baby boy makes me super happy!

We have already taught him to say he's 2.  It's pretty cute.  You should ask him sometime how old he is.  Also, you should ask him how old his mommy is because his response will be the same :)

I have just about everything we need for his party on Saturday.  I've been stockpiling things since last year.  One corner of my office is dedicated to Collin's party, minus the stuff I'm going to pick up Saturday morning from the party planning store.  Don't judge!  It was way cheaper to rent tables (and maybe a cotton candy machine as well) than to buy them!! 

That's right.  I rented a cotton candy machine for my 2 year old's birthday party.  It makes enough for 100 children, and we will have around 1/10 that amount.  It's ok though, because I really like cotton candy.

Here is most of what I have so far!
So I saw a really cute picture on Pinterest that this mom did of her son for his circus themed birthday party.  She had an adorable clown wig on his head, and she gave him a red nose, like a clown, and took his picture eating a big lollipop.  He wasn't smiling and was just staring straight at the camera all precious and stuff.  My attempt to recreate that photo did not go as well as I hoped.  Let's just say I bought a cheap clown wig from Amazon, that is apparently "scratchy" (Jarrod's term) and scary to Collin.  He can't stand to have it on his head for two seconds and throws it down immediately!  He did, however, really enjoy getting a giant lollipop to suck/bite on.  But then he got purple, blue, red on his hands and had a fit over that.  So our cute little circus-y, clown pictures have some tears in them.  I'll try to post the finished product after his party.  For now, here's a sneak peak at the cute shirt I had made for his party!
That would be a clown nose in his left hand; he thinks it's a "ball"!

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