Wednesday, July 8, 2015

7 months later

I just checked Google+ on my phone for pictures that may need to be uploaded to this here blog, and y'all.  I can't even.  185.  I will not bore you with all of those, but I might get close.  I will try to blog more often!  Because if the fact that our twins are now 7 months old doesn't help me realize that time is indeed passing by, then I don't know what will.

We've been trying to enjoy summertime around the Baum household, but the truth is that nothing has really slowed down for us.  Jarrod jumped into a "summer job" that has been more responsibility than I think either of us expected it to be, and our kids never got the memo that Summer = more relaxed.  They are just as taxing as ever.

Collin is very near to being 5 years old, (I can't linger on this realization; I have to push through the thought because, tears) and he is really trying a lot of new things.  Mainly in the attitude area.  He wants to be a "big kid" so very badly.  Since he has responsibilities now, he thinks that means he should get to drive a car and tell his Mommy and Daddy when to go pound sand.  I'm trying to get it through to him that making his bed, feeding the dog, and helping with his brother and sister are just part of being in this family.  It doesn't mean he should be rewarded with Popsicles and endless cartoons.

I know he's just trying new things, and I know he has gone through A LOT of changes over the last year.  However, I cannot explain to you how defeating it is to pick up kids from daycare only to have to discuss behavior issues that Collin had that day.  We just got back from being in Texas for a week over the July 4th holiday, and we are hoping that was a good recharge for him!

The babies are keeping us busy.  Atalie has two bottom teeth, and she loves to feel them with her tongue.  She constantly sticks it out.  She woke up at 4:15 am yesterday morning and would not go back to sleep.  She just stared up at me in the dark with her tongue out of her mouth.  I told her to put that thing back in her head because it is NOT cute before 7:00 am.

Grady is still a flirty ham, and just as needy as ever.  He is either hot or cold; he has no medium.  I'm praying about this!  The boy can actually laugh and cry simultaneously.  It has done wonders for my nerves.

We started baby food.  Mostly we were forced.  The twins moved up at daycare to the next class over from the Infant room (again, have to push through that realization!), and I learned that everyone in there eats baby food and table food.  Those kids are also crawling and pulling up.  Our two are content to roll across the floor and yell at you for a bottle, so I figured I better do my part to help them catch up!

Atalie likes to eat, and while Grady probably likes to eat, he is more difficult to feed.  He just sits there and smiles at you or yells at you, but he doesn't really cooperate with the whole opening mouth bit.  We mostly just smear some food around his mouth and hope some makes it in there.

Here is a little of what we've been up to lately:


We've spent a little time outside!
Memorial Day with these nuts was an adventure.  Daddy was at work, and Mommy was flying solo.  We may have gotten a Happy Meal and gone to the park!

This was me choosing my battles.  When the 4 year old wants to wear his hair "spiky" and do it his self, you say, "Whatever, man".  By the end of the day, it was all laying down like normal anyway!
 We've gone swimming, and both babies LOVE the water!  

Collin played in a questionable creek with a friend from church at a picnic one Sunday. 

 There's that tongue!

I love this one...  Grady: "Let me help you get that thing off your head!"

 Those cheeks....  Those eyes...  !

 They love Daddy's whiskers!

We celebrated Father's Day with our favorite Daddy ever!

 We did cousin time at Mimi and PawPaw's in Texas!

 Collin and Tinsley

Uncle Jarrod & RayLee

 Ray Baby - the sweetest, easiest girl there ever was :)
I may have kissed her cheeks a dozen times sitting here on the swing while Jarrod held her.

 These two have to do everything the other one does.  I soak up all the girly things Tinsley lets me do with her, including painting her nails.  Collin insisted on having his done too.  We all told him it wasn't a good idea, but he won.  Don't worry, his Mimi took it off a day later!

Oh, my heart!  Atalie and RayLee are going to follow Tinsley around like little puppies one day very soon!

We visited my office in Athens so I could remind everyone what I looked like and so they could meet the twins.  I worked while Collin watched Netflix under my desk because he was "fweezing", and later we all met up at the Country Club for some swimming!

 This was BIG stuff for Collin Henry!

 Super proud of him for being less timid in the water this summer!

 Atalie girl can fall asleep on anyone's knee!  A couple of bounces and she's out.

Bill & Martha ;)

Ashlie & Kinslie 

 Collin, his new bestie, Ms. Briana and G Money

Atalie, asleep with Randi

We visited Nonne & Papa for the 4th of July.  Collin got to go to the movies for the very first time ever, and he loved it!  Say what you will, but this was a great age for this "first".  He appreciated it, he understood (for the most part) that he had to sit still and be quiet and he adored the popcorn :)

 Waiting for the movie to start.  He asked me why it was so dark!

These two turned 7 months on July 3.  We have a hulky boy and a girl who loves her tongue!

Happy July 4th !

 Papa and Nonne with their grands.

 Grady...Collin...  LOL

Atalie...about to snap herself in the head with her headband!

 Collin boy with his Batman glitter tattoo

 Atalie cheesing at Papa

That's one happy boy, up way past his bedtime!

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