Friday, November 7, 2014

Bump Update

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, which also marked me reaching the 34 week mark.  We got to see these two little babies, and that never gets old!

Little girl was chilling with her head down and her cute, kissy lips puckered out.  Little boy, however, has somehow managed to flip completely over.  He is now head up, and he remained tucked into a ball during the ultrasound.  Once again, we couldn't get a good look at much of anything on him.  Although, we did get to see some peach fuzz hair on his head.

Collin had a good little bit of peach fuzz when he was born.  (Jarrod's first words to me were, "He has reddish-brown hair!"  We had joked the whole pregnancy that he would have red hair.)  But then all of his hair fell out, and he was bald for a good year and a half.  I haven't given much thought to the hair on these babies' heads because I'm just assuming they will be bald for a while as well!
Newborn Collin with his sweet, peach fuzz hair :)
They are both growing wonderfully!  Little girl weighs around 4lbs 7oz and little boy weighs around 4lbs 8oz.  This is right on track for 34 weeks.  I'm so thankful they continue to be within an ounce or two of each other and that one of them isn't hogging all the food!

We also got to hear their heart beats.  Little girl's is always slower than little boy's; her heart rate was 140 and his was 146.  I keep saying I have a feeling he is going to be my BOY-boy.

And the last bit of news from my appointment is that my belly is measuring 38 weeks.  Our doctor did a double-take and checked my chart before announcing, "That belly is measuring big today!"  Jarrod tried to convince him to give us an ETA, but he declined and just said with a smile that we're shooting for a c-section at 38 weeks.

So please be praying with us that these guys remain healthy and keep growing strong so that in the next few weeks we can bring them home with us!!  We are ready to meet them, ready to share this house with them and I'm ready for a little physical relief.  I'm still not sleeping well, and I feel like I've been training for a marathon.  My body is sore all over from carrying this extra weight.  I'm also starting to really retain fluid.  There aren't exactly any shoes that fit me at this time.  I was wearing Chacos at my doctor's appointment, and he laughed at me because the straps were pulled as loose as possible and were still leaving strap lines on my feet!

In other news...  We've been able to have some good, Fall fun these past few weeks.  We took Collin to the pumpkin patch, and he participated in his class's Halloween party at school.  He's getting SO big and has opinions on everything.

He's been requesting "spiky hair" when getting ready for school.  His hair is so fine, it's tough to make that work!  However, it IS adorable to see him running his hand through his hair trying to make sure it's still sticking up!!

Cookies we made for his Halloween Party.  
This preggo enjoyed quite a bit of leftover icing once they were completed!
This outfit was a birthday gift from his Aunt Jami, but he told everyone for a week before Halloween that he was going to be Iron Man, so I didn't argue with him.

Collin had a great time on our trip to the pumpkin patch, and it was neat to see him enjoying some of the things that he couldn't before because he was too little.  Instead of dragging him around the place, we practically chased him
Helping Daddy pick the perfect pumpkin.
Shooting the Corn Cannon


  1. :) So happy for you, Nicki! Can't wait to see those babies!

  2. Man. Collin's Halloween costume was pretty awesome.
