Monday, October 13, 2014

Is it time to get nervous?

I had a doctor's appointment last Monday - my 30 week appointment and ultrasound.  Jarrod and I got to see these two little munchkins for the first time since we found out there were two instead of one.  

My first thought was that they looked so squished!  I felt bad for them, and Jarrod said he was feeling claustrophobic :)  I'm going to try not to take it so personally from now on when one of them is stuck in my ribs and it hurts to breathe!

Little girl was pretty cooperative this time but little boy wanted to stay bunched up in a ball.  The tech pushed down on my tummy a couple of times with the probe in an effort to get him to move, and he literally kicked the probe a few times without moving into a better position.  I keep saying he is going to be ornery!  He's typically very active, and I have been able to kind of grab a hold of his little feet a couple of times as of late. 

Both babies are head-down with their feet up at the top of my bump.  They are angled diagonally with their feet more on the left of my bump and heads sort of angled toward the bottom right of my belly.  Little girl presents first and little boy is up higher - which is probably why I feel him the most.  Little boy's heart rate was around 140 and little girl's was 133.  He weighed 3lbs 1oz and she weighed 2lbs 15oz, so they are pretty close in weight and spot on for where they should be at 30 weeks gestation.
Little girl
Little boy
I was 30 weeks last Monday (so 31 weeks today) and my belly was measuring 34 weeks.  (My wardrobe can attest to this.  I'm pretty much wearing the same three shirts these days!)  

Jarrod and I both breathed huge sighs of relief when leaving this last doctor's appointment!  Praising the Lord for healthy babies and no complications on my end, thus far.

With this appointment out of the way, I have been able to think about the next calendared shower this coming weekend.  A few of our sweet friends from church are hosting a shower for us on Saturday, and it will be my only shower since we live so far away from our families and other friends in Texas.  We're excited to spend time with people and really celebrate this little boy and little girl who are finally starting to feel like a real presence in our family.

We've already received a lot of clothing - sizes are all over the place and since these babies will likely be pretty small, who knows if the things we have will line up seasonally.  I foresee lots of playing dress-up, and I'm okay with that!

We have car seats - in Texas!  Both sets of grandparents have been great and will help get these to us, but for now they're in Texas :)  We have one crib - Collin's old one, so we're on the hunt for another.  We also have a bassinet and a pack-n-play, so we will finagle some sort of sleeping situation for these two when they first come home!  
Oh, and we have this many diapers and wipes :)

1. I've clearly ignored all of those posts on Pinterest about stock-piling diapers in various sizes throughout your pregnancy..
2. It occurred to me when we were at the store this past weekend that we should probably start working on this!  Now you see why I asked if it's time to start getting nervous!!

Things we have an abundance of:
Anxiety, anticipation and allergies.

My allergies are off the charts.  Please pray for these to get better.  Not a lot of rest happening for me right now as a result.

Collin's level of anticipation is adorable.  A friend recently had her baby girl and when I told Collin, he immediately looked at my belly and asked if it was Thanksgiving yet!  ("Thanksgiving" is what we've given him to hold on to as a time frame for when he can expect his brother and sister.)

Both Jarrod and I are anxious.  Jarrod is super busy with school, and wonders how it will all ever work itself out.  I'm anxious about my level of discomfort (greatly exacerbated by these allergies).  I find myself thinking, "I have SO long to go", and then I look at the changing table with two packages of diapers and an unfinished nursery and think, "We ONLY have a little time left!"

I know it will all work itself out, and we are so fortunate to be anticipating the arrival of these babies.  This is just where we're at lately...

I haven't been very good at posting a lot of pictures, so here are a few...
Stretching out a t-shirt my co-worker sent me.  It's going in the drawer until after these babies get here!!
Um, compression socks...
Back at 26 weeks
Sitting on the floor in the kitchen before we moved, sharing some cookie-dough ice cream


  1. Nicki! You are so cute! It was wonderful to read your post and to know that someone else is at such a similar spot! As you know, I just have one on the way, but can definitely relate to going back and forth from, oh my goodness he is coming so soon and I have so much more nesting to do-to oh wow, I still have two and a half months of being preggo! I also struggle with bad allergies/sinus issues-so I will definitely be praying for you because I know just how tough that can be, especially in the sleep department! Mia is in a wedding this Saturday, so unfortunately we will not be able to come to your shower:(. I will give Tim the gift to give to Gail though! I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! -Shannon Chung

    1. Shannon! Thanks for your sweet words. Prayers are much appreciated and you guys are in my thoughts as well. Being pregnant is such an amazing gift, but it's not without its challenges!
