Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oh, Little Rock

We spent last weekend on a mini-family-staycation in Little Rock with Jarrod's family.  It was a quick trip, but so much fun!  We stayed downtown and walked to most places; plus, the weather was gorgeous.

We didn't tell Collin about our plans until Friday afternoon when we had to head to the airport to pick up Jarrod's mom and dad.  We told him Nonne and Papa were flying on an airplane to come see us and we were going to stay in Little Rock.  He was super excited about seeing his grandparents but not so much about staying in a hotel.  He could not figure out why we would sleep there and not our house.  He even asked us if that was now our house!

We had dinner at Flying Fish, which was all of about two doors down from our hotel.  After dinner, we went back to the airport and picked up Aunt Kiki!

Saturday morning we had breakfast downtown and then we walked along the riverfront.  

A lady who lived in the top of the hotel where we were staying told us about cardboard sledding down the hills near the Clinton Library, so we decided to see what that might be about.  We found some cardboard and quickly proceeded to make fools of ourselves.  This was probably Collin's second favorite activity of the weekend!  He thought this was the most fun thing, and he probably would have kept doing it over and over and over.

After a little while, we made our way down to the Clinton Library where they were apparently having a large Easter egg hunt and other activities.  Collin watched a bunch of kids in bounce houses, but he didn't want to participate.
He did agree to sit on the back of this firetruck though.
After this we walked back toward our hotel, during which time we had to stop at this bronze eagle...

And Collin got to experience the closest thing to flying...

We got cleaned up at the hotel and headed back out for lunch at Boulevard Bread Company.  We sat outside in the sunshine and ate while people-watching.  And then it was time for Collin's favorite activity of the weekend - The Peabody Park and Splash Pad.

Collin took forever to get near the water.  With the help of his aunt, he eventually let loose and became soaked!  We all sat here for a long time and just watched him play (and of course did some more people watching!).
He had to wear his undies and his aunt's shirt back to the hotel!

We had dinner at YaYa's Euro Bistro that night, and Collin was passed out in the car before we ever made it back to the hotel.  We put him to bed and he asked me to snuggle him, but before I could even make it over to him he was snoring again!
The sweetest thing in the world.
We woke up Saturday, checked out of the hotel and headed over to the Capital Hotel for breakfast inside Ashley's.
Yes, please.

We were not dressed fancy enough for this place.

After breakfast, we did some running around and ended up dropping everyone back at the airport around 3:30.  Just in time to make it home so we could cook dinner for our Community Group that night.  It was a quick weekend, but such a good time!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Thankful Tuesday hasn't happened for a while around here, so let's get to it.

Thankful for March Madness!  One day Jarrod is going to shell out the big bucks and take me to the Final Four.  Preferably one where I can sit by W...

Until then, I'll settle for watching the Championship game all by myself while Collin sleeps and Jarrod studies. That way no one can see me fist pump and whisper the words, "YES!" or "Hit THAT!"

This was an awesome dunk!
Thankful for sweet boys and time spent swinging in the backyard on Sunday mornings after church.
Also thankful for a husband who takes new hairstyles in stride...even if his version of doing so includes singing, "She BANG!"  Or that his new favorite comeback is now, "Shut it, Bangs."

Thankful for bunny pictures that make me giggle...