Friday, February 14, 2014

Confession - V Day Edition

So here's my confession: I'm a holiday junkie.  Not nearly as hardcore as my dear friend, Jill Daniel.  She puts Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and any other holiday mascot to shame!  Nonetheless, give me a reason to celebrate a festive day, and I am all over that.

I have always loved Valentine's Day.  Even when I hated it.  (Single people, you know what I'm talking about.)  I love the colors and the hearts everywhere and the excuse to eat lots of chocolate and exchange presents less than two months after Christmas!  (Some time we'll talk about the fact that my love language is Gift Receiving.)

Now that I'm a mom, I just get all squishy inside and have to fight really hard not to overdo it.  So imagine how excited I was to learn that Collin's school was doing a whole week's worth of fun activities in celebration of V-Day?!

Monday was Pajama Day.
Tuesday was 80's Day.  (My kid had no idea what that means, but he was pumped!)

Wednesday was Hat Day.
Thursday was Crazy Dress Day.  Collin wore mismatched shoes, socks, comfy pants and his shirt inside-out. This was his "crazy" pose for Crazy Day!

Friday...wait for it...Wear Your Red, Pink and Valentine's Themed Outfits.
When it came to his Valentine's cards this year, I knew I wanted to do something different.  I wasn't impressed with the selection at the store last year, so I hit up Pinterest.  Let me just say, I often delude myself into thinking that most moms are like me, they peruse Pinterest occasionally and have the best of intentions regarding recreating all the cutesy stuff from their Craft or Holiday boards.  But no one really does any of that fancy, time-intensive they?  Well, let me just tell you how wrong that thinking is!  Evidenced by the fact that I went two weeks before Valentine's Day to find card-stock for Collin's cards and there was none to be found.

Thus, I was forced to use what I already had on pink card-stock.  Ta-da!
Mason jar print-outs with finger puppet insects.
Happy Valentine's Day, Love Bug !
Besides forcing myself to complete a Pinterest craft, Valentine's Day is also a good excuse to use my kid as a reason to give lots of nice people a Valentine!  His sweet babysitters, his daycare teachers and our friends...some of these people might not have received a Valentine otherwise.  It just makes me so happy, and it makes Jarrod roll his eyes!  A lot.

But most of all, I like to spoil Collin Henry.  We're making him wait until he gets home from school today to receive his Valentine from us.  He has already received sweet packages from his Nonne in Texas and cousins in Oklahoma, plus his party at school is today.  He'll be all loved out by the end of Valentine's Day!

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