Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy Independence Day, Y'all!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!  We were able to travel to Texas for a long weekend to see both sides of our family.  Collin had a blast with his Nonne and Papa on Thursday.  We were up early to watch a July 4th parade in their neighborhood...

Collin waved so enthusiastically to all of the parade members!

Then we swam at their neighborhood water park...

And after dinner, we watched fireworks together.  Collin did great with the fireworks!   

Matching glow necklaces !

Friday we got up and went to my parent's house.  We had tons to do in order to get ready for my high school reunion that was on Saturday night.  More on that next time!

Mimi had promised to get Collin a kiddie pool when she was here a few weeks ago, so Collin had to take it for a spin.  Uncle Austin brought his new puppy, Mia, and she jumped in the pool with Collin!  The only thing that could have made it any better would have been having Tinsley there, but we'll catch her on the next trip.  Oh, and PawPaw too :)  We were there for several hours before Collin thought to ask, "Where's PawPaw?"  That just means he was having fun with Mimi!

Saturday night was my reunion, and also our first opportunity to take advantage of this whole thing I keep hearing about called, "Free Grandparent Babysitting"!  Unfortunately, I was so busy I didn't really get a chance to talk the whole thing up to Collin.  So when he woke up from his nap to a house devoid of his parents and just Mimi to hang out with, he wasn't a very happy camper.  He got over it because he has been talking about his fun with Mimi.  Now we just need Mimi to recuperate from her experience!!

Sunday came too quick and we were back on the road to Arkansas before noon.  Thankfully Collin fell asleep and slept the first half of the trip; it made him so much more enjoyable the second half.  I had given him some crackers to snack on as we were leaving town, and he actually fell asleep holding one up to his mouth.  Unfortunately his hand fell before I could snap a picture of it, but here he is cracker crumbs and all...

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