Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thankful Tuesday

Things I'm thankful for today include (but are certainly not limited to):

* New experiences with our boy, like a Harding basketball game.  Collin said it was "too yowd", but he got over it pretty quick!

* Presidents Day and Henderson County for making it a holiday this year!  It was super rainy and dreary here, but I got to drop Collin at daycare and spend the day being incredibly productive.  Like shopping for our upcoming vacay :)

Collin Henry, ready for family pictures at the beach!
* For funny debates with a 2 year old.  This morning he was playing with a toy dinosaur while I got ready and pretending to bite me with it.  I asked him, "Who has scarier teeth - a dinosaur or a shark?"  The reponse that one question elicited was to die for.  He began a 3 minute long speech about how sharks have scarier teeth and can eat a dinosaur.  Duh, mom.

* For rainy days followed by sunshiney days.

* For dear friends receiving answers to prayers - the hope and joy an engagement brings to life.

* For the band Young OceansIf you don't know them, you should. 

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