Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

Well, hello 2013. 

We are back from another whirlwind trip to TEXAS!  It was such a huge blessing to be off work for so many days and to be able to visit with all of our family.  We started with Jarrod's parents so we could visit Santa at the Gaylord Texan.  They do such a wonderful job there!  The whole place is beautifully decorated, and they have had the same Santa for the last few years.  Here are a few pictures from our visit there:

These two are twins.  Look at those "cheesy" smiles!

Collin is not quite grasping the concept of "cheese" lately!

And of course, the whole reason we went to the Gaylord, to get a picture with Santa!  It looks almost identical to last year's photo, only Collin has more hair and is bigger.  If you ask Collin about his experience wtih Santa, he will tell you, "I skeam (scream) ... I ky (cry)".  He likes Santa from a distance.  He will wave and smile shyly, but he does not want that man to touch him!

Santa is such a pro at this!
Next it was on to Whitesboro to spend Christmas with my family.  Both of my brothers were there and it was fun to all be under the same roof again.  Even if there was unending talk of zombies and the zombie apocalypse.
Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
My new favorite photo.  These two are the cutest things ever!!

In case there's any question about how close they were to the TV, check out the glow on their faces!

From there it was back to Jarrod's parents' house for a day and a half and then back home to Arkansas.  It was a White Christmas, filled with way too many presents, plenty of shopping, all the people we love and rest from work.  Most of all, thankful hearts for the birth of Christ and all that His life means to us.

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