Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015

Jarrod and I are observing Lent this year along with the Small Group we host.  Our group has evolved into something completely unexpected but in the best way possible.  It's one part married couples, one part college co-eds.  Jarrod and I started dating while working with youth in college, so this has been a fun reminder of that time for us.

Lent begins today, and while I haven't officially settled on something to "give up", I am really looking forward to this time of reflection.  I'll be following along with; here is a look at what they had posted today...

This is Lent.  It's a time to stop -- wherever we're going and whatever we're coming from...  
Lent is a pause button.  It is a quiet unlike any other time of year.  Lent is a season to close our eyes as the busy world buzzes around us, to consider those things we'd much rather forget: our sin and our humanity.  We came from dust, and to dust we will return.

Our group just finished up a brief study on Abiding, and we've spent a lot of time discussing the word "abide" and also discussing transitions.  It seems the Baum family is constantly transitioning from one season to the next, and while I suppose that's what makes up life, it seems to be happening with a frequency I've never experienced.  I'm ready for some rest.

And if you ever need to be reminded of your humanity, screaming infants will help you out in a flash!  Throw in a four year old with demands of his own and your flesh shows up real quick.  

It's been rough around our house these past few months.  No one is resting, schedules are a joke and emotions are reaching record highs and lows.  In the midst of it though, are so many blessings.  When it feels like nothing will ever get done and our life will never feel normal again, I have to remember what is true.  

These kids ... It's a rare moment when I can get them to cuddle these days.  They kick, push and grunt if one of them is touching the other.  It's as if they are sick of sharing space!
This girl is growing more and more each day.  Her brother has always been cheerful and expressive, but she is finding her voice.
Class Clown in the making!
Cheesing for Mom and Dad

Some much needed time with Mommy on the swings at the park.  This big boy is so helpful and so loving, but he is also so trying right now.  He struggles with our new normal, and while I know it's good for him to learn lessons, it still breaks my heart sometimes.
So sick with RSV but still managing to crack us up with his smirks and personality.
This girl, though, thinks that being sick is for extra attention, cuddles and even more drama than usual.
Drama, drama, got it from my Mama.
Grady looking Atalie right in the face and trying so hard to talk to her.  
Papa and Nonne to the rescue Valentine's weekend!
Our Valentines

Ready to go outside!
Doll baby #1 
Doll baby #2
Who needs a sled when you have the bowl to the fire pit?!
Precious girl all cozy in the Ergo.
Wearing a baby and ready to go outside

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
Philippians 4:8