The Saturday after Collin's birthday, we met our friends for lunch and playtime at Chick-Fil-A. (Referred to as Kick-De-Yay by Collin .) Ms. Shannon and her little boy, Titus, are always good fun!
These two are becoming such big boys!
One day when I went to pick Collin up from daycare, his afternoon teacher told me she had the funniest picture of Collin on her phone. I asked her to send it to me, and she was doesn't disappoint...unless you're his Daddy, and then you may find yourself disappointed!
Mimi and PawPaw came for a visit last weekend, and we took them to the pumpkin patch!
Poor PawPaw could hardly stoop down this low!!
This piglet couldn't stop rooting around in the dirt long enough for me to get a good picture of him
I want a miniature cow now. For real. This guy was so soft and gentle.
He stuck his tongue out and licked Collin!
I can't even stand it. He is getting SO big.
We made it to the parking lot before I realized we hadn't taken a family picture. So yeah...
Collin's school had the police officers and firemen to visit last week. Collin is funny about strangers. He's very curious, but from a distance usually. He rarely talks to strangers, and he doesn't like the idea of getting into anyone's vehicle without his mommy and daddy present. So I made sure to talk it up a lot beforehand. I told him the police and firemen would really love it if he gave them a high-five, and we talked about how cool their cars/trucks are with all their lights and horns. He promised me he would say hi to the police officers and firemen and give them a big high-five. On Tuesday, his school posted this picture on their Facebook site, and I was so proud!!
Elizabeth and Collin with a new friend
Collin's bestie turned 3 on Friday. They celebrated her birthday at school, and he was also invited to her party on Saturday. They were so adorable playing together. Collin and Addie are a funny pair, but they are thick as thieves.
So now we are all caught up! Whew.