Last May, after our family returned home from our vacation in Florida with Jarrod's family, I was notified that my office in Texas was downsizing, and they were not keeping my position. That day is in my top 5 worst days ever. The weeks that followed were terrible and an absolute struggle for me personally, as well as for our family. But the Lord is faithful, and He has provided for us in so many ways this past year.
I was blessed to find another job, here in Searcy, working with wonderful friends and people who would become friends. I have learned a lot about myself. How I viewed myself was largely shaped by the last job I held, losing it was devastating, but from that loss plenty of other things have been born. So many opportunities have become evident that we may not have considered before. The thing about losing something is that usually all we see is the hole left from our loss, but the truth is the hole is often filled with something beautiful. Something we would miss if not for the hole.
I have so many thoughts about my experience with this new job... It has stretched me and grown me, and good gosh... I could go on and on. The last 10 months have been hard, but we are all still here and we are better for it.
This is such an exciting time to be a part of Searcy Physical Therapy. I am so thankful to be along for the ride!
The same time that I started my new job, Jarrod started his final year of pharmacy school - 9 rotations at different clinical sites to be completed from June 2016 to March 2017. He had the month of December off, and he has the month of April off. (Everyone gets December and one other month of their choosing.) He chose April because our
Yesterday was the last day of Jarrod's last rotation. We're both still coming to terms with all that that entails! Collin jumped for joy last night when I told him we will never again have to say, "Daddy has to go to school"!! This ride has been such a long one and so full of trials and hurts, but when I think about those things, I also think about what a wonderful testimony it has left our family with. Things that Jarrod, Collin and myself will be able to tell the twins about one day as they get older...examples of God's faithfulness and provision...and for that, I am grateful.
It is crazy to think that 6 years ago this weekend Jarrod and I traveled to Arkansas, with baby Collin in tow, for Jarrod's interview at Harding University College of Pharmacy. I told Jarrod on the drive, "I'm not even going to pay attention to how to get there because we're never going to move to ARKANSAS!" I hoped the interview would be a good experience for him, and that was about all I hoped for at the time ;)
This was Collin the weekend we stayed in Searcy for Jarrod's interview & only about 5 months before we moved to Searcy. Also known as the only time in his life he was even remotely "chubby"!
Back to the past 10 months, Jarrod was often gone really long hours. He would leave before any of us were awake and come home around the time the twins needed to go to bed. Many evenings I had to call for backup from friends much younger and more energetic than I! I am so thankful for them dropping everything to help me feed my kids dinner or entertain them while we longed for Daddy to come home.
I was the tired, bedraggled mom dropping kids off at school and downright scary by the time I returned to pick them up again after working a full day at a new job. Exhaustion coupled with the knowledge that I was only going to go home and fight them to eat dinner and play nice until Jarrod got home to help with bedtime, was not a good combination. When the daycare director takes one look at you coming through the door at the end of the day and announces, "I'm gonna add you to my prayers!", it's not pretty! So I am so happy and feel a lot of freedom knowing that Jarrod is going to be a little more available to us now.
And that brings me to him... If you knew Jarrod in undergrad, he was the long-haired, free-spirit who came to class late, or not at all, wore a do-rag to hide his unwashed hair and cared more about socializing than anything else. Maybe him getting in to pharmacy school was a surprise to you.
I am here to say, he has blown me away. He is the hardest working, most thoughtful, respectful student. He goes out of his way to help other classmates, and he kills his self to do well in everything he touches. He earned his MBA in Healthcare Management after starting pharmacy school, and in May he will graduate with his Pharm D. Y'all, J-Baum is going to be a DOCTOR! And he's going to be amazing. He cares about people so much, and he will be phenomenal in our next chapter.
May 2016 - finished with classes and about to start rotations!
Pinning Ceremony - before the start of rotations
From White Coat Ceremony to Pinning Ceremony
Study Buddies and sweet friends we are thankful for!
Speaking at a meeting for American Pharmacist Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists
Just a tired dad on a long day ;)
Celebrating that Daddy is finished with rotations!
Best. Dad. Ever.
A lot of people are curious about what we're doing next. It's not a huge secret, but I'm definitely still processing it, so more on that later :)